The last 12 months has been an interesting period of time largely due to the increase in interest rates. This has had a dramatic impact upon the value of property and also the costs of property, notably by way of mortgage. Valuations It follows that the investment yield applied in undertaking a commercial property […]
There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has made an impact in people’s lives on a global scale. From falling gravely ill, losing loved ones and the harsh restrictions, we have had a lot to cope with over the last two years. Perhaps those most greatly affected by these uncertain times are healthcare workers […]
If you are a GP looking to invest in a medical centre or similar premises, you are about to unlock a secure income. Investing in medical practices is worthwhile and, with the right support and advice from industry specialists, you can look forward to positive returns. From searching for the right property to refurbishing the […]
Primary Care provisions under pressure as ‘GREEN LIGHT’ to ‘fast-track’ planning for 300,000 + new homes each year What are the implications to the primary care sector and how will enough medical care be provided for the inhabitants of 300,000 new homes to be built each year? Adam Thompson, of property specialist, Primary Care Surveyors, […]
Adam Thompson of Primary Care Surveyors, specialists in all property matters in the primary care sector, looks at the way practices may have to change after COVID-19. In order to both be safe and provide the best care for patients post-pandemic, what will the Primary Care sector look like, and why is property obsolescence a […]
Adam Thompson, Director at Primary Care Surveyors, specialist in the healthcare property market, investigates and explains the issues with which the NHS and GPs have to contend. Article first published in the March 2018 issue of Health Estate Journal, the monthly magazine of the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM: With the […]
The new year has started well, with the initiative to deliver new medical centres finally gathering momentum. CCGs are demonstrating a tendency to be more receptive towards considering proposals for new medical centres, where the proposals are deliverable, which is most encouraging. The main scheme for funding is the Estates and Technology Transformation Fund (ETTF), […]
Many Practices have now received proposed Heads of Terms from a firm of surveyors, Montagu Evans, acting on behalf of NHS Property Services. These Heads of Terms outline a lease which in most instances is for 25 years, although the landlord has the right to break the lease upon six months’ notice. However, fortunately, the […]
With 360,000 new houses planned on green belt land as part of a new housing boom, Adam Thompson, Director at Primary Care Surveyors – specialists in the primary care property sector – warns that little regard or attention is being paid to the required social infrastructure to support those new housing developments, regardless of Section […]
I have recently advised a few GP practices concerning similar lease issues, particularly regarding the identity of the tenants on the lease. When premises are leased from landlords, it is imperative to ensure the names of the individual tenants are kept up to date. Where a lease is granted for a surgery, a partnership cannot […]
In previous newsletters I have written about premises owned by NHS Property Services Limited and the proposed leases that Practices based in Health Centres are being asked to enter into. Those issues continue, with the lease roll-out programme now firmly underway. Practices have received Heads of Terms via agents acting on behalf of NHS Property […]
There is an interesting contradiction between what is detailed in the NHS Premises Directions, and the direction of travel for the provision of healthcare services in the community. The number of other healthcare providers being based in the community in doctors’ surgeries, is increasing. This has historically been the community staff, e.g. practice nurses and […]