Ensure that your Notional Rent is maximised
One of the most effective ways to increase profitability from your practice’s premises is to ensure that your Notional Rent is maximised.
Notional Rent is reviewed every three years by the District Valuer (as instructed by the Primary Care Trust) to ensure that the Current Market Rent reflects prevailing market conditions and rental levels. This rent is paid to the GP or Partnership who occupy the premises for provision of primary care services.
Primary Care Surveyors research the medical property market in your area and act on your behalf to negotiate the value of your Notional Rent with the District Valuer. Our aim is to achieve the optimum valuation for your property to boost your Notional Rent.
If you lease your medical premises from a Commercial Landlord or 3rd Party Development Company (3PD) then you will be reimbursed by the PCT for the actual rent paid or the Current Market Rent, whichever is the lower. Primary Care Surveyors can work on behalf of the landlord or 3PD to ensure that this figure is a fair reflection of the Current Market Rent thereby giving both parties the maximum profitability from this income stream.
If an agreement cannot be reached, Primary Care Surveyors is on the RICS panel to undertake dispute resolution appointments. Challenging a Notional Rent figure can be a lengthy and complicated process, but Primary Care Surveyors will ensure that you receive the best advice drawn from our considerable experience in this field.
Taking into account the value of this particular source of income, enlisting the services of Primary Care Surveyors will offer you excellent value for money.